Effect of Smoking on Macular Perfusion Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography

Document Type : Original Article


1 ophthalmology Faculty of medicine –Benha University

2 Lecturer of ophthalmology Faculty of medicine– Benha University

3 Professor of ophthalmology Faculty of medicine –Benha University

4 Assistant professor of ophthalmology Faculty of medicine –Benha University


Objective: This study is designed to evaluate the effect of chronic smoking on macular perfusion using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Patients and methods: Forty patients participated in this prospective, controlled clinical investigation, which split them into two equal groups. For Group 1, we have long-time smokers who have been puffing away on at least 20 cigarettes daily for at least ten years (control group). All patients had their vision tested using a Decimal Notation chart, autorefractometers (Topcon type), slit-lamp anterior segment examinations, intraocular pressure measured using Goldmann applanation tonometry, dilated fundus examinations using 20D lenses, and (OCTA) with scan sizes of 6 mm 6 mm to determine foveal area zones (FAZ). Results: Smokers had significantly lower mean densities across the board (Superficial layer), in the upper and lower halves of the brain, and in the cerebral hemispheres. has a very small P-value (less than 0.001). Smokers had significantly lower mean values for total (Deep layer) density, hemi superior density, and hemi inferior density than nonsmokers. Having a statistically significant P-value of 0.001 The smokers' group had a significantly larger mean FAZ area (mm2) compared to the controls (P0.001). Conclusions: DCP's is more vulnerable to oxidative damage and poor perfusion brought by cigarette smoking, which led to a considerable drop in VD of DCP compared to SCP. In addition, bigger research examining the long-term effect of smoking on retinal microcirculation in the macula may help clarify the significance of smoking as a risk factor for systemic vascular diseases.
